by MarianBeaman | May 29, 2024 | blog, Cliff Beaman artist, Coming of Age, Family / Nostalgia, Gratitude, Mennonite Lore, Nostalgia, popular culture, Uncategorized
Time is galloping by! May 2024 is now practically history . . . and April is long gone. Looking back, the 27th of last month was a red-letter day for me. On that date I re-connected with some friends I had seen every day in high school decades ago in...
by MarianBeaman | Apr 1, 2024 | blog, Family / Nostalgia, Mennonite Lore, Nostalgia, Uncategorized
Vintage card from the archives of Miss Ruth Longenecker I’ll be taking a break now . . . back...
by MarianBeaman | Mar 27, 2024 | blog, Family / Nostalgia, Mennonite Lore, Quotations, Tips, Uncategorized
Springtime At Rheems Elementary, a two-room school of eight grades, we observed a daily ritual: Bell ringing from the school-house steeple (always by a boy), Bible reading, the Lord’s Prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, and then singing before morning lessons began....
by MarianBeaman | Feb 14, 2024 | blog, Cliff Beaman artist, Family / Nostalgia, meditation, Mennonite Lore, Quotations, Reflection, Romance, Uncategorized
When life speeds up, I want to slow down. As I change the tempo of my life, I notice my breath deepen, my pulse slow, and my gaze narrows its focus. I may fix my eyes for a while on something small that catches my attention: a lizard-y critter scampering along the...
by MarianBeaman | Nov 8, 2023 | blog, book review, Education, Family / Nostalgia, Memory, Mennonite History, Mennonite Lore, Uncategorized
How do you listen to a podcast or Zoom interview? Sit and stare into space? Take a walk? Lounge on your couch? Chop vegetables for soup? Multi-task in some other way? Last month, Barbara Vitelli, also known as blogger Book Club Mom, interviewed me via Zoom. She was...
by MarianBeaman | Oct 18, 2023 | blog, Mennonite History, Mennonite Lore, neighborhood, Uncategorized
Deuteronomy 28:8 The Lord will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The Lord your God will bless you in the land he is giving you.