by MarianBeaman | Dec 11, 2024 | blog, Coming of Age, Education, Family / Nostalgia, Mennonite History, Mennonite Lore, Quotations, Tips, Uncategorized
Welcome to Tea Toast & Trivia Soon you’ll hear Rebecca’ s voice: “I’m your host, Rebecca Budd. I am a Blogger, Photographer, Traveler. Above all, I’m a life-long learner.” But first, an introduction. Rebecca and her husband...
by MarianBeaman | Sep 11, 2024 | blog, Coming of Age, Family / Nostalgia, Mennonite History, Mennonite Lore, Uncategorized
Waiting in the sitting room for my dad’s truck to arrive for me, I was a spectator, looking through the mahogany-trimmed doorway into the kitchen. Women with prayer caps, Grandma Longenecker and Aunt Ruthie, were sitting at the gray, Formica-topped table facing...
by MarianBeaman | Nov 8, 2023 | blog, book review, Education, Family / Nostalgia, Memory, Mennonite History, Mennonite Lore, Uncategorized
How do you listen to a podcast or Zoom interview? Sit and stare into space? Take a walk? Lounge on your couch? Chop vegetables for soup? Multi-task in some other way? Last month, Barbara Vitelli, also known as blogger Book Club Mom, interviewed me via Zoom. She was...
by MarianBeaman | Oct 18, 2023 | blog, Mennonite History, Mennonite Lore, neighborhood, Uncategorized
Deuteronomy 28:8 The Lord will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The Lord your God will bless you in the land he is giving you.
by MarianBeaman | Sep 13, 2023 | blog, Cliff Beaman artist, Family / Nostalgia, Memory, Mennonite History, Nostalgia, Quotations, Uncategorized
As a kid, I helped my aproned Grandma Longenecker pick strawberries in her garden close to Anchor Road. As a teen, I packaged bologna at Baum’s Bologna company near Elizabethtown, PA. During my sophomore year in college, I worked as script editor for WEMC, the station...
by MarianBeaman | Jul 5, 2023 | blog, Coming of Age, Family / Nostalgia, Mennonite History, Mennonite Lore, popular culture, Quotations
Roz Chast’s June 19 magazine cover is explosive! She imagines shopping for novelty fireworks in a store of her own wild imagination: Friendship Ender Lawsuit Huge Rent Increase Pointless Rage Shingles Root Canal Sense of Doom Red Tape Guilt Bomb ...