My name is
Marian Longenecker Beaman.
Hello and welcome!
Longenecker, my last name for 26 years,
reveals my plain Swiss Mennonite origins.
At one point as a teacher at Lancaster Mennonite School, I was addressed as Sister Longenecker. Then I turned fancy and became Beaman after marrying a blue-eyed, blonde-haired German boy from Washington State. His original artwork often appears on my pages. I wrote about our unlikely meeting here.
- Reading was my first love. Here is a photo of me at 14 months in a starched white dotted Swiss dress sitting in a tiny rocker where I often had my nose in a book.
- My undergraduate degree in secondary education came from Eastern Mennonite College. Here’s how I looked in my college yearbook.
- When I got married, I turned fancy just before my wedding day! My dad wore a plain coat with a bow tie.
My love of books, along with a connection to students and colleagues, has made my years in education pure joy. I have spent more than 40 years teaching, finishing my career with 21 years at Florida State College in Jacksonville.
Writing dovetails with reading and teaching. My academic writing includes a multi-colored array of topics, ranging from “A Thousand Acres: Not King Lear in a Cornfield” for the American Popular Culture Association and “It’s Not Easy Being Green, Wal-Mart and Me,” recounting my neighborhood struggle to keep large oaks and tall pines from biting the dust.

Former Mennonite with a Writing Habit
A dream came true when I presented and published “God: Myth and Mystery from the Romantics through the Twentieth Century: Informing Global Religious Conflict” in magical Oxford, England. In 2011 Bedford St. Martin’s textbooks published “Facilitating Cooperative Learning,” the mantra of my most effective teaching techniques.
Now in my Third Act, I’ve embraced creative non-fiction with “Gutsy In Ukraine,” published in Sonia Marsh’s My Gutsy Story Anthology (2014), Volume 2. In September 2016, my story “Making Love Edible: Lessons from Fanny Martin Longenecker” was published in The Mennonite magazine. In the fall 2018 issue, The Arts & Antiques show magazine published my article in Patient Profiles.
Since beginning my blog in 2013, I’ve uncovered nostalgic photos, letters, and artifacts from my two Longenecker homes in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, many of which are featured here on my blog.
I publish my blog Plain and Fancy Girl on Wednesdays. Whether you are a commenter or reader only, I appreciate your noticing. Scroll down and subscribe to my weekly blog.
My book is entitled Mennonite Daughter: The Story of a Plain Girl, a memoir that depicts my sheltered life along with revealing family secrets. Watch for updates on my blog.
- The Lovely Blog Award – December 2014
- The Written Acts of Kindness Award – April 2015 (Carole A. Parkes)
- The Versatile Blog Award – March 2015 (D. G. Gies)
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