3 Miracles and a Cloudy Haiku

3 Miracles and a Cloudy Haiku

Behold, some miracles!   SPEECH   Skills learned in early childhood become more difficult to acquire later on, says the research. It seems simple to teach preschoolers any language they hear. In fact, they can learn it often without a trace of an accent. Why...

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Flipping from Bad to Glad

Flipping from Bad to Glad

In early May 2024, I discovered that the Contact page on my blog was not working  properly at all. To my chagrin, since 2017 the messages of at least 17 people who tried to contact me through my blog failed to make a connection (GASP)! Why? The page on my blog where...

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Marian Meets the Red Queen

Marian Meets the Red Queen

  The Red Queen offers advice to Alice, who finds herself running intensely, but not actually moving forward: “Now, here, you see,” says the Red Queen, “it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must...

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Surprises of a Class Reunion

Surprises of a Class Reunion

Time is galloping by! May 2024 is now practically history . . . and April is long gone. Looking back, the 27th of last month was a red-letter day for me.   On that date I re-connected with some friends I had seen every day in high school decades ago in...

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The Blowout: Part 2

The Blowout: Part 2

Back-up to The Blowout, part 1: How last week’s installment ended: As the morning progressed though, Cliff and I wrestled with unspoken questions: Can we still enjoy a leisurely evening and supper, spending overnight in Valdosta? (We had packed suitcases in...

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The Blowout

The Blowout

Out of the blue there was an ear-splitting BOOM above our heads. Cliff and I looked at each other dumbfounded, jaws dropping. Apparently, the shattering of thousands of glass shards followed the BOOM in the Subaru’s moon roof. We had traveled about seventy miles west...

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Surprise Inside!

Surprise Inside!

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ2n3xsPQSo&lc=Ugzs31Z_TYkhjclEMVl4AaABAg Vintage card from the archives of Miss Ruth Longenecker   I'll be taking a break now . . . back soon!

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‘Tis Springtime with Sketchy Solicitations

‘Tis Springtime with Sketchy Solicitations

Springtime At Rheems Elementary, a two-room school of eight grades, we observed a daily ritual: Bell ringing from the school-house steeple (always by a boy), Bible reading, the Lord’s Prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, and then singing before morning lessons began....

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Buds, Breezes, and a Blunder

Buds, Breezes, and a Blunder

Is it spring? Is it winter? As I write, the Weather Channel reports that a late winter storm is blanketing the Northwest and the Midwest while warm temps tease those in warmer climes. Author Kawaguchi of Tales from the Cafe expresses eloquently the fickle fits of...

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5 Reasons Why I Blog

5 Reasons Why I Blog

"Nearing 30 and trapped in a dead-end secretarial job, Julie Powell reclaims her life by cooking every single recipe in Julia Child's legendary Mastering the Art of French Cooking in the span of one year. It's a hysterical, inconceivably redemptive journey -- life...

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Focus Your Gaze, Feel Renewed

Focus Your Gaze, Feel Renewed

When life speeds up, I want to slow down. As I change the tempo of my life, I notice my breath deepen, my pulse slow, and my gaze narrows its focus. I may fix my eyes for a while on something small that catches my attention: a lizard-y critter scampering along the...

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Ted’s Wild Adventure in the Snow

Ted’s Wild Adventure in the Snow

Cold in Florida The weather has been rough this January by Florida standards. Not rough like in Winnepeg, Manitoba or Litchfield, Maine, but rough enough to potentially kill plants. At 31° Fahrenheit, the Beamans have had to cover their tender plants with tarps....

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Persimmon is IN. What Else is New?

Persimmon is IN. What Else is New?

Persimmon is IN. Yes, Pantone, that persnickety arbiter of color, has decreed that persimmon is the accent color for 2024. It's the color of pumpkin, saffron, and orange itself. In a sunny room, persimmon looks sorbet-like, which reminds me of the mushy fruit which...

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Uplifting Organ Transplant

Uplifting Organ Transplant

    MARY: “Guess what! My Mom gave me her home organ. I may have it any time we can figure out how to get it moved from her house to where Alexei and I are moving. It’s really heavy!” SARAH: “Cool! Okay, let me check with Joel. Maybe we can help you and...

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Medical Musings and Playing with Words

Medical Musings and Playing with Words

Medical Musings and Playing with Words Mercifully, I’ve skated through more than seven decades of life with few aches and pains. Over the years, my sympathy for others has extended to sending get-well cards, making phone calls and hospital visits. Sympathy---that’s...

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Locked! Where Does This Door Lead?

Locked! Where Does This Door Lead?

Your thoughts? Curious readers want to know.     Lowest Prices of the Year! Click on the titles below to gift these books to a friend. Or, treat yourself this holiday.  Mennonite Daughter: The Story of a Plain Girl          Educational and thought-provoking ...

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