Fancy little girl

Plain young woman


Those six words summarize the first 24 years of my life as a Mennonite in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

And these words are reflected in photos on my memoir cover, front and back. (Here is the link to my first cover reveal last week.)



These photos represent the bookends of my memoir too.




Back cover choice: the story

My first teaching job was at Lancaster Mennonite School, which I describe as sheltered and restrictive in this blog post: My Year in a Convent

The post begins with these words:

Nuns live in convents. At least that was true in America in the1960s. Strictly speaking I was not an actual nun, a Catholic sister with a habit like Karen Leahy, who left her convent at Mount Maria to pursue a literary life and experience more freedom . . . 




Other Bloggers’ Cover Revelations


Darlene Foster – queen of mystery series for young adults, Amanda in Holland, soon to be released

Debby Gies and her colorful travelogue cover – Have Bags Will Travel

Irwin L’Engel Love and Marriage in retirement from a male point of view, peppered with gratitude

Joan Rough and her tribute to her mother with lessons learned: Scattering Ashes



A Blogiversary, Yay!

The publication of this post coincides with my 6 years of blogging, which began in February 2013

Pinterest image:


It’s no secret that I’ve kept on blogging because of YOU

You are at the heart of this blog. Whether you participate as commenter or reader, please know I appreciate our connection here!


* Happy end note: All of you said “Yes to the Dress” in my cover reveal last week. Like the brides in the TLC show, I appreciate your approval.     😉