Fancy little girl
Plain young woman
Those six words summarize the first 24 years of my life as a Mennonite in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
And these words are reflected in photos on my memoir cover, front and back. (Here is the link to my first cover reveal last week.)
These photos represent the bookends of my memoir too.
Back cover choice: the story
My first teaching job was at Lancaster Mennonite School, which I describe as sheltered and restrictive in this blog post: My Year in a Convent
The post begins with these words:
Nuns live in convents. At least that was true in America in the1960s. Strictly speaking I was not an actual nun, a Catholic sister with a habit like Karen Leahy, who left her convent at Mount Maria to pursue a literary life and experience more freedom . . .
Other Bloggers’ Cover Revelations
Darlene Foster – queen of mystery series for young adults, Amanda in Holland, soon to be released
Debby Gies and her colorful travelogue cover – Have Bags Will Travel
Irwin L’Engel – Love and Marriage in retirement from a male point of view, peppered with gratitude
Joan Rough and her tribute to her mother with lessons learned: Scattering Ashes
A Blogiversary, Yay!
The publication of this post coincides with my 6 years of blogging, which began in February 2013
It’s no secret that I’ve kept on blogging because of YOU
You are at the heart of this blog. Whether you participate as commenter or reader, please know I appreciate our connection here!
* Happy end note: All of you said “Yes to the Dress” in my cover reveal last week. Like the brides in the TLC show, I appreciate your approval. 😉
Happy blogiversary, Marian! Can you believe how fast 6 years goes by? I love the back cover photo…it’s perfect!
Jill, I can imagine you reading this with your first cup of coffee after 1-2 hours of morning work. Your early bird writing habit is amazing. Thanks again for the thumbs up.
I drink my first and only cup of coffee at 4:00 am. No early morning writing for me since I’m at my day job at 6:00. I’m a weekend warrior…and some weekday evenings. 🙂 If you’d like to share your cover on my FB group, I’d love for everyone to see it. <3
Oh, my goodness. I knew you were up at 4:00 but for your day job. Perhaps in the future you can devote your whole day to your writing career. I think you’d love both the challenge and the freedom!
Thank you for the invitation. I will share my cover on your Facebook page. 😀
Well, for now I have to keep my incredible health insurance offered through my employer. You’re welcome! I put it on the reading group page, too.
You are kind to share – thank you!
Those two photos tell a lot of your story, Marian. What would we do without this documentary evidence — even though the real story takes place inside? Congrats on six years. You’ve given yourself, over and over again, to your readers. Soon we will all celebrate the culmination with you.
Just think what would have happened had I not started blogging after I saw your blog in a writing class at UNV. Since then, a whole world opened to me with you as my first connection. Thanks, Shirley!
Good morning, Marian! I had to cede my first responder spot because I needed to finish some work first. My prize is seeing the back cover of your book. 🙂 I love it! Congratulations on getting it done, and on your six years of blogging.
You probably had your alarm clock set for hours earlier so you could work when you are fresh. I hope your project is coming along well.
I appreciate your congrats on getting it done. Because I’m not going the traditional route, I must make decisions about interior design, including layout, font styles, the works. But, you’re right, I do have my sights on DONE! Thanks, Merril!
No alarm clock, Marian–unless you count Ricky the Cat. 🙂 But I had a test assignment that was due, and I wanted to get it in first thing today.
It looks like all is going well with your book.
You get to exercise both sides of our brain, for sure: logical test questions and lyrical poetry. Impressive!
And thank you!
Congratulations, Marian. I hadn’t realized we started at about the same time. You were my first consistent commenter and as a result, there were many times in those early months (and years) that I wrote with you in mind, as you came to be my typical reader. We both started out blogging because of our books. I trust you plan to continue long after it’s launched.
Blogging coaches always mention writing with your audience in mind. I had no idea you visualized me as your typical reader. WOW!
One thing about blogging: A post can be created in hours, maybe five, not like a book which can stretch into years, maybe five! We’ll see about blogging . . . hard to predict, but I do enjoy exploring different themes and connecting to readers. Writing is solitary work, as you know. Thanks for all this, Janet. 🙂
You have s good memory, Marian. If I had it to do over again, I’d spend twice the time choosing the narrator. It’s so easy to get a sense of urgency and let quality slide.
Thanks, once again, for paving the way ahead of me. 🙂
Happy 6th blogiversary!! I have enjoyed following your posts over the years. I love the front and back of your book. Thanks for the mention of Amanda in Holland!!
Congrats on another Amanda book soon to hit the shelves. Thanks for encouragement here every week, Darlene!
Happy Blogiversary, Marian. Doesn’t time fly!
I love both covers and I can’t wait to read about that transition and the subsequent years. Hope publishing procedures are going well.
Yes, time does fly but publishing is tedious work. I spent 4-5 hours today working with designer people on the interior layout. It’s exciting and tiring, as you can imagine.
Thank you, faithful Fatima!
I believe publishing a book is harder than writing it.
Yes, Fatima, they are both quite a process … sort of like the mountains I see on your thumbnail photo. Then, after writing and publishing comes promoting. Thanks for noticing, my writer friend. It’s great to have you alongside in this journey. 🙂
Congratulations on six years of BLOGGING. Your have inspired us, made us laugh, think and most of all remember cherished memories we had tucked away. Thank you. Excited for your book launch this year.
You are a blog reader I can actually spend time with face to face. I’m glad my posts have taken you on walks down memory lane. I’m excited about my book launch too, and happy to have you on board for the planning. Carolyn. 🙂
Happy Blogoversary, Marian! We really are blogger twins. 😄 Thank you for highlighting your cover and the other cover reveals! Lovely1
Well, L. Marie, I share years of blogging with other writers, but usually not the same month. So, I guess next February we’ll put 7 candles on the cake, God willing! Thanks, friend!
Marian — It’s always fun to hit milestones. Happy Blogaversary! The back cover photo of your book is ideal, as is the front. They beautifully support the title and the story that unfolds inside. I’m excited to read it!
You remind me that covers are bookends of sorts. Thanks for celebrating blogging and book publication with me. What an inspiration you are, Laurie!
Marian, it is so interesting to see the contrast between the front and the back cover. The front cover shows you to be free and innocent, like any other little child. No one would know about your Mennonite roots by looking at that picture. The back cover tells a different story. Prayer cap dutifully on your head you are bent over, looking down, fulfilling your obligations as a Mennonite teacher. It will make the reader ask, “what happened to that joyful little girl on the front cover?” I love it, and would pick it up in a heartbeat!
Congratulations on six years of blogging! I started in 2012 with some encouragement by a writer friend. I discovered your blog through Shirley Showalter’s after her memoir was published. I didn’t want to read it at first (“not another Mennonite coming out story” was my thinking at the time). But I’ve enjoyed it so much! Thank you for sharing from your heart and your life!
You’re welcome, Elfrieda. I’m glad to have you along for the ride. Both of us have had enriching years of teaching, but we still are curious about life and now enjoy writing family history.
I’m so glad I met you through Shirley and that I can explore Canadian Mennonite history through your eyes.
Yes, happy blogoversary. We were both late to blogging but faring well now. I do envy your avid followers; sometime you’ll have to share your secrets for attracting commenting blog followers!! I realize I have numerous readers who do so quietly that I never hear from. Your back cover photo is sobering and somber: but part of the story. It should compel readers into the book! Blessings.
Thanks, Melodie! I have heard that readers on blogs or other social media who don’t comment are called lurkers, which sounds very uncomplimentary. I’m thankful for all kinds of readers, so today I celebrate six years of making connections, both the active and the passive kind.
As an editor, you have an eye for what entices readers in a book cover. Your approval means a lot to me. 🙂
Congratulations. One can tell you love your blogging experience merely by your blog posts and pictures. Always a pleasure to read your words and enjoy the pictures which help tell and solidify the story.
Thanks, Irwin! I’m happy to have readers see a link to your writing life.
And I appreciate your last sentence: “Always a pleasure to read your words and enjoy the pictures which help tell and solidify the story.” That’s my aim! 🙂
Congratulations on all that’s going on in your life. So much, so good, so you!
Gee, thanks, Ally Bean! 🙂
Happy blogversary!!! Congratulations!!!
Thanks, Sarah. I appreciate your popping in today. Best wishes on your presentation this weekend, so proud of you!
Marian, your personal photos are perfect bookends for your story. And I can’t believe it’s been six years since we first met. You had just started your blog. You’ve come a long way, baby! Congratulations.on your anniversary and on your pending publication. Here’s to many more years of musing and delighting your growing audience.😊
Ah, Kathy, there’s life after nursing (and in my case, teaching.) Without our second careers we would never have met. Now that would be a pity!
Thanks for the congratulations. I await your cover reveal, which I think is coming soon. 🙂
I love the cover, and I enjoyed reading your earlier post about your time as a teacher too. I especially like the quote on the bulletin board. Timely …
Ha, my dad used to call the horn-blowers “blowhards.” He gave short shrift to gossipers and braggarts.
I’m glad you enjoyed the cover and the story behind it. Thanks, Arlene!
Many Congratulations, Marian were does the time go?…I love your back picture and how you always weave your stories around personal pictures but those red shoes are like a magnet for me I love red shoes and always have …There is a story around my first pair of red shoes…haha…
I’m glad you feel drawn to the red shoes. Seriously, I am interested in the story of your own red ones.
Thanks for stopping by again with a comment, Carol. I agree, “Where does the time go?”
Well, even though I’ve supported your memoir writing by augmenting retouched photos when desperately needed and occasional artwork to help visualize your story…I’ll have to sit down with your follower friends and actually READ your memoir for the first time!
This will be out of my routine, since as you know I usually “read” the words of many suspense novels by listening to them on an Audio CD.
Well, my dear, you have stronger eyes than I have, so that would not be a problem. Because I don’t imagine my book in audio form any time soon. Print or e-book it will have to be! 🙂
There’s hope, Cliff. As soon as Marian’s ebook is out, have her do the audio through Audible.
Thanks for the tip, Janet. From what I can tell, Audible has high quality. I recall your selecting a narrator for your own audio book when we gathered at your house in Chincoteague. 🙂
Congratulations I think I have been with you from almost the beginning and I have enjoyed every week . Can not wait to read your memoir , lovely Marian.
You are Cheerful Cherry, steady in the boat, almost since the beginning. I can say you are my most faithful Welsh supporter, that’s for sure! I’m glad I can count on you to read my book one of these happy days. Thank you, my dear! xx!
Altogether wonderful Marian … sorry I’m late to the conversation … front and back look lovely and very eye catching 🙂 Is it 6 years? I could have sworn that I read about your 5th blogoversary just the other day!
Time whips around so fast. I think the same thing about your blog. And I’m thinking now of Andrew Marvell’s lines: But at my back I always hear
Time’s wingèd chariot hurrying near.”
Because there is less time ahead of me (presumably) than behind me, time seems to go faster. Or maybe it’s the repetition of things, one after another. I definitely agree with your impression of time, Susan.
I’m glad you like the cover combo – thanks, Susan!
About the cover: I like the strong contrast of the muted photo of you at a desk as a young woman (could that truly be you?) and the girl on the cover who is so much as I see you now. You only need the blurbs and other words. Thanks for steady blogging for so long. Some days the ideas flow and some days we dredge them from the bottom of the well. Thanks for always sharing something inspiring and thought-provoking. Of course, I love the photos, too.
“Yes, it is ,” said the dutiful girl,” hiding a woman lusting for adventure. On the back cover, the camera caught me just before I took the Big Risk. Ha!
I know about ideas flowing, and then not. Since the cover release, I have been casting about for blog ideas. But then, yesterday I smashed two orange traffic cones. Maybe I’ll make that into a story.
I like seeing you on Facebook and blogs. Then I know you are in the “flow,” and recovering. My prayers now will be for strengthening ear/brain connections. 🙂
The covers are perfect, Marian! I wonder whether these particular photos sparked some of the memories in your book. Everything is so well-thought out and looks seamless, but I can imagine how much time, stress, and consideration every piece of decision making caused. Right now, I can’t imagine getting there as well, where the reader would think “perfect title, concept, and book art”. One day. 🙂
Thank you, Liesbet. I appreciate your approval. I must say, it was all a struggle all the way through, and the photos came after the chapters were pretty much jelled. It’s a process, and (much as I hate to say this) can’t be hurried.
You will get there, of that I am sure. You have the will ~ and the way will unfold. I’m glad you take little breaks. It’s the only way to survive. 🙂
Happy Blogiversary Marian, and congrats again on the perfect cover! I look forward to reading!!! And thank you for the mention of one of my book covers too. <3
Welcome back from a well-deserved vacay!. I need one too, but that will have to wait with a book launch in my near future.
It’s true, isn’t it, that even if we love what we do (writing blogs and books), some times a break is just the thing. Thanks, Debby! 🙂
Congratulations on your six years of blogging! Long may you continue.
Thanks so much. I love your photos and text, which energize me for the day. You have probably been blogging a long time too, Fiona!
Yes, I’ve been blogging for about ten years I think…
Congratulations, Lady Fi! You never, ever brag, so I will honor your accomplishment. Keep up the wonderful work! 🙂
Marion, thanks for leaving your comments on my blog and for sending me the link to this post. Your two photos are so intriguing. I LOVE the red high heels! Such a contrast! Congrats on your blogiversary! I look forward to reading your two books.
Thanks for following me here, Linda. I appreciate your comment very much, but I am laboring to publish one book, not two – ha! The photos are front and back of the same memoir.
But, maybe you are a prophet. Thanks, again!