Five is the magic number this week: I have arrived at the 5th anniversary of my blog. And as it happens in the Land of Even Numbers, this is my 400th post. Magical!

In 2013 when this blog was birthed, I posted twice a week, Wednesdays and Saturdays. As writing my memoir manuscript became more important, I have published weekly on Wednesday.


A Story of Magical Fives

Bartholomew Cubbins, on his way to town to sell a bag of cranberries, meets up with King Derwin. He is expected to respectfully remove his hat to royalty, but alas, the hat he doffs is replaced by another and another and another.


Perversely, hats flip, flap, and fly from Bartholomew’s head. Even Wilfred, the King’s grandnephew, wastes a whole quiver of arrows trying to shoot off the ever-emerging hats.

As Bartholomew ascends the staircase to the castle turret to be executed for unintended insolence, the hats become more and more grand.

Some even flaunt rubies and ostrich feathers. The flamboyant hats, once disgraceful peasant headgear, now have captured the king’s fancy.

In the end, the King exchanges the 500th hat for a bag of gold coins. Boy, is Bartholomew happy as he wends his way home!


How Blogging is Like the Story of The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins

  1. Bartholomew wore just one hat at the start of the story. Likewise, I began with just one blog post.
  1. In a case of multiplying millinery, Bartholomew’s hats piled up. Blog posts also accumulate, one post at a time.
  1. Sir Alarac, Keeper of King Derwin’s records kept track of the number of hats Bartholomew doffed. My WordPress platform keeps track of numbers of posts published.
  1. Bartholomew intended to show respect to the king by taking off his hat, in fact all of his hats. Likewise, I have intended to show up here every week. Also, I try to honor your reading and commenting by replying back as soon as I can.
  1. By far, the most valuable thing about my blog is YOU, my reader.

Like the 500 coins in Bartholomew’s bag garnered from the king who bought his last hat, your friendship is the greatest thing about blogging. I have not met most of you in the flesh, but I venture to say it wouldn’t be hard to slide from an online connection to a face-to-face friendship.

Probably at the drop of a HAT!


Coincidentally, my very first blog on February 25, 2013 post echoes this attitude of gratitude. You can read it here.



How about you?

Does a certain number have a special meaning in your life story?

Have circumstances in your life ever felt like those of Bartholomew Cubbins?

What milestone have you celebrated recently?