It so falls out / That what we have we prize not to the worth, / Whiles we enjoy it; but being lacked and lost, / Why, then we rack the value; then we find / The virtue, that possession would not show us / Whiles it was ours. Much Ado About Nothing, Act IV, Sc. 1, Shakespeare
Is it true we don’t appreciate what we have until we lose it? What do you think?
5 Entries from my grandsons’ gratitude books:
1. The color GREEN
2. My dog Teddy
3. The Geico gecko
4. That I’m not an orfan
5. Pokemon
Some Entries from my gratitude book:
1. Hyacinths in the supermarket
2. Fell on pavement – didn’t break any bones
3. I can close the zipper on my size ? dress, barely, but still can
4. Talk on phone to 94-year-old Mom
5. New friend, Vietnamese neighbor
6. Lunch with former student Ivy
7. Clouds *
* Love Alexander McCall Smith’s new book, The Uncommon Appeal of Clouds. He writes of Scotland and Botswana with equal enthusiasm. Check him out for mystery lite!
How do you express what you are thankful for? Do you share with friends? Grandchildren? Use a journal, scrapbook?
What have you enjoyed but taken for granted and then lost? Let’s chat!
A work colleague told me that every night before he and his wife go to bed, they tell each other what they appreciate about each other. He says he has a short list of things that he usually says to her, and then he adds whatever else is occurring to him that day until he is done. I haven’t started doing this with my husband yet, but I keep thinking about it. What a lovely way to end a day and continue to remind yourself what you love about your partner.
What a worthwhile investment of time and energy. One thing for sure: you’d never go to bed angry!
I tell my family & friends what I am thankful for, and I share with my friends. I am very thankful for my friends at this time of my life, because we share things and lift up each other. I always feel better after spending time with my friends, of which you are one, and I cherish you. I am very thankful for my Savior and that my husband and sons are born-again. Also, my parents are born-again and the fact they are still alive is a blessing; very challenging, but a blessing. I love the message on telling your husband how much you appreciate him while lying in bed before going to sleep.PRECIOUS!!!!!!
I know you live a life of gratitude in spite of the bumps in the road. Thanks for stopping with a comment today.
As one of your former students, I learned to journal and started to keep a gratitude diary at that time. It is interesting to look back after time has gone by and read what I was embracing at that time in my life. I also started a book of love letters to “my heavenly father” and I truly love reading those letters. I have such an appreciation of looking back on a specific date and reading those entries. Many times I fall in love all over again with Jesus! For the people I love I never miss an opportunity to say, “I love you” because it could be the last time I have a chance to tell them.
Ivy, I do remember urging my comp students to keep a journal, but I don’t remember advocating a gratitude diary at the time. Now I wonder whether that was your idea or mine. You are wise to live with the end in view. I appreciate your comment as it sparked pleasant thoughts of having you, a gifted writer, in class.
I love these gratitude books. Precious!
Thanks for looping back in time and commenting here. Gratitude books work for all ages and relationships – nieces, nephews – students too.
Nice start to blogging Marian. Gratitude is always inspirational. 🙂
Truthfully, I was such an ingenue at blogging, I didn’t reply to the commenters until much later.
Thanks for reaching way back in time to catch up with me here. We were almost twins in the blog world – almost, I say. Thanks a million, my friend!
This is a post from before I knew you, I think? What a lovely idea. I will start one with Lydia. Maybe get one for each of the children when we have Cousin Camp in a few weeks. You are such a good Nana!. I am grateful that I could pour myself into this size 6 dress today. But I’ll not be able to splurge too much and still do it. 🙂
Welcome, Shirley, to my very first blog post. Writing in gratitude books may have fallen by the wayside for the older teens, although Ian, the youngest, asked for a new journal; of course, I was happy to oblige.
Best wishes on the Cousin Camp in a few weeks. And congratulations on fitting into a tiny size, just in time for the book launch next month. 😀