Dolly Parton stands larger than life in American pop culture.
While Cliff and I are enjoying time away to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary, Dolly has agreed to entertain you.
Her Story
The cover story in Closer magazine, August 29, 2016 featured “Dolly Parton: Secrets from my 50-Year Marriage.”
“When Dolly and Carl eloped across the state line to Georgia, the only witness at their wedding was her mother, Avie Lee. After, we drove home and went back to work as usual,” Dolly recalls.
Of her husband Carl, Dolly admits . . .
“He is my anchor and I am his excitement. . . . He is a true homebody and he does not like to be uprooted too much. He likes to go on vacation but he likes to plan it all. I, on the other hand, am a complete gypsy. I like creating all kinds of craziness and he likes to keep it all in a little safe place.”
They got married again when they renewed their wedding vows in May 2016.
Her Anniversary Song
As a tribute to her life-tested marriage, she composed the song “Say Forever You’ll be Mine.”

“As long as you live, there is always some new twist on the same old thing. I always try to find it” in my songs, says Dolly, on tour in June 2016.
Listen for the words . . .
Forever is the love that is true, undemanding. Forever is the love that can STAND the test of time.
In case you missed it: Our own wedding was not a lavish affair, but we shared it with family, relatives, and friends. You can read about it here.
Whose relationship you admire has stood the test of time?
It may be someone else’s. But it may be your own. Here’s where to tell all about it.
We thank you!
Anyone who makes their marriage last that long has my complete respect and admiration, as well as my congratulations. It seems to me that staying together in this day and age seems harder and harder.
We were lucky enough to celebrate my in-laws 50th Wedding Anniversary 6 years ago and we are all looking forward to their 60th already.
Thank you for starting off the conversation here from your caravan, Fatima. If photos of you and your mate on Facebook are any indication, travel helps a marriage flourish.
Fifty years is far more common now as life spans lengthen. Congrats to your in-laws’ Golden accomplishment too.
Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward’s marriage always impressed me. And of course my parents who almost made it to 60 years!!
I think of Paul Newman every time I pick up salad dressing in the grocery aisle – ha! Seriously, I googled the couple, who give secrets of a 50-year-long marriage. Here is a link:
Your parents must have been a great role model. I met a couple in our church recently who seemed happy together at 72 years.
Thanks for the video clip and they are right, find someone who makes you laugh. Mom did and so did you and I. <3
Well, your relationship with Cliff has definitely stood the test of time! Happy Anniversary again!
I can’t wait to hear more about your trip.
For the first time, we booked our lodging in British Columbia through AirB&B and met some pretty interesting (and unusual) hosts. Best of all, we escaped Florida heat for almost two weeks. Back home, we are resting up from navigating Vancouver traffic and coping with a 3-hour time change. Highlight: Hiking in forests of Douglas fir and cedars. Thanks for the prompt, Merril.
Bill and Hillary Clinton. A true partnership of equals and a couple who together has shared many ups and downs, journeys and ways to make the world a better place … stood together through thick and thin. (Ok. Now waiting for the naysayers … people who have derided this partnership over the years.)
Your mention prompted me to search articles on the Clinton marriage which has endured lots of scrutiny. This Washington Post article characterized their union as complex and complicated and full of mystery (Whose isn’t?) It also contains a clip of their first meeting:
Thanks, Susan!
Thanks, Marian, for the link. I agree that marriage is a mystery; known only to the two who are in the relationship. I agree with what Gloria Steinem said about the Clintons and the public’s perception of their marriage: “The fact that Bill valued Hillary as an equal partner—and vice versa—seemed to make them more aware that their own marriages were different. It dawned on me that if a sexual connection is the only bond between a husband and wife, an affair can make her feel replaceable—and perhaps cause her to be replaced. This was not only emotionally painful but devastating when it also meant losing social identity and economic security as well. I began to understand that Hillary represented the very public, in-your-face opposite of the precarious and unequal lives that some women were living.”
A good example of “standing by” – who are we to judge anyway! 😀
Dolly (Yes, my wife’s nickname is Dolly) and I have been together 54+ years this past November and our marriage is similar to Dolly and Carl’s. My wife is more of the free spirit gypsy type always up for a challenge and new adventure while I prefer the quiet life at home but apparently we are making it work as we are still together and still tackling new adventures each and every day. Thanks for sharing.
Oops – made a mistake – 54+ years this past May – May 18 to be exact – don’t know where my mind went when I typed November.
Congratulations to you and Dolly – a happy synchronicity here – on your 54 + years together. You obviously have your wits about you to acknowledge the exact date. I admire your “still tackling new adventures each and every day,” our hope for the future as well. Thanks for reading and commenting once again!
My pleasure. I enjoyed the post very much.
Thanks for letting me know about the Dolly Parton song, Marian. You are my guide to pop culture. 🙂
I’m listening now with my Amazon Prime music app. I like the words. They describe what Stuart and I have experienced as we head to 50. Two more years to go.
Congrats to you and Cliff. You chose a lovely, lovely place to celebrate. We too will go to Canada — but to the other side of the country, Nova Scotia.
May your 50th year together be the best ever.
Thank you, Shirley, for the comment and good wishes. I’m hardly a guide to pop culture but I do keep my eyes open when I pass the tabloids at the check-out counter.
You may know Cliff is a Westerner and has sacrificed proximity to his family so we could stay on the East Coast. Thus, we try to plan vacations in his part of the country; he misses the big skies and tall trees.
Incidentally, I admire what you and Stuart are doing as you head toward 50. Taking care of a wee one requires a huge investment in time and energy but so rewarding for all generations. Your imprint will forever influence little Lydia Ann.
Marian — What a beautiful song, thank you for sharing it. Len and I are almost at 38 years, so I know how BIG of a deal 50 years is. My mom always said, “Marriage is hard. A good marriage is really hard.”
I admire Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter’s marriage.
With each new “vote,” I get to do some research on high-profile marriages. Yes, the Carters always seemed so down to earth, celebrating their 70th anniversary (gasp!) last year. Here is the link to their secrets:
And congratulations to you and Len as you approach 38 years, Laurie!
Hello Marian; your post and everyones’ comments engross me as I am also in a long term partnership. However Dave’s and my 36 years seem like nothing compared to many here.
I have to say, as much as I admire the marriage stories of Clintons and Carters, I also love the partnership of my own parents, Mary and Cecil, whose marriage lasted from 1941-2004 when death did them part. Sorry, you can’t google them….
Congratulations on your and Dave’s 36 years together, nothing to sneeze at. And thank you for mentioning the partnership of your parents, 63 years if my calculations are correct. (Happy not to Google anyone here.) All memorable, by any measure. Thanks, Dolores.
41 years here and counting………….
Congratulations on your mounting years. “And counting,” a good sign. Thank you, Jack.
lovely post and song, Marian. Successful marriages are so worth the work it takes to stay on track with each other. Like you I’m one of the lucky women with a great man.
For some reason, maybe because you are moving soon, I thought of marriage as never static – always moving through time and place. A great partner makes the journey even more worthwhile.
Today was the day exactly one year ago we moved to our one-story home in the Spindletree neighborhood. We are so thankful, and you will be too when you land in your “forever” home. Thanks for checking in here, Joan.
Say what you want about Dolly Parton’s music or her big hair and the other parts of her body she accentuates, but her 50 year marriage to one man, living in the entertainment world, speaks even louder, doesn’t it. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. 🙂
Dolly has a strong Christian faith which undergirds her life in the limelight. Many think she is shallow because of her tawdry appearance. Once or twice she has said with a chuckle, “It takes a lot of money to look this cheap!” And I can’t understand how her waistline has stayed so tiny at her age. Liposuction? Tight girdle?
Thanks for checking in during these busy, busy days.
I hope you ‘re enjoying your celebrations my darling . I adore Dolly Parton don’t you , not just for her music but her heart . Congrats to her and her husband too.
I have to admire our very own ( mine and Colin’s ) relationship Marian . We have been together for thirty year this December and we are still hanging on by a thread 🤣 No not really . Colin is the kindest most self-less person I know and he has always been there for me . I love him loads . I know that he’ll never read this , if he did he’d get embarrassed , so it’s between you and me and the world . Loads of love to you and your husband .❤️❤️❤️
It sounds like you and Colin are complete opposites but very compatible. How sweet! He must adore you and your vibrancy and humor. (Yes, I can feel it through the screen always.) You can shout your admiration for him from the rooftops. He sounds a lot like Dolly’s Carl. 🙂
Awww – what a sweet story.
I know you are super busy, so thanks for reading and leaving a comment here. Your photos are awesome as always, m’lady!
What a surprise to see Dolly Parton on your blog. I clap for anyone who has a strong marriage in the show biz world–or in any world. Congratulations to you and Cliff.
I like to surprise readers. Dolly has admitted to a strong faith and she has a good man who lets her do her thing – all over the world!
It was a good surprise with laughter. I always liked Dolly Parton and how out there she dared to be along with a tender heart. I’m sure she gained strength from that good man supporting her from home and from her faith.