Welcome to My Eighth Blogiversary


Please have a cupcake!


Guest of Honor



You come from all over the globe. If you don’t find your country represented, you can call me out in Comments. Here is a sampling from stats earlier this month:

Our Connection is rather like a sideways number “8”

Almost like a Mobius strip, looping from you to me. Or the symbol for Infinity.


And as long as the electrons and pixels hang together, I hope we can maintain this connection.

Did you know . . .

According to Google, the number of active blogs hovers around 500 million, so it’s not surprising that millions of blog posts are published daily.

The Worldometer of blogs registers about 7 million blog posts published every day.

(I caught the meter one evening last week as it cycled toward the seven-million mark. See below.)


That’s why you are the guest of honor today because I could not have persevered on “Plain and Fancy” without YOU, especially during this past year of mask-wearing and social distancing, the world turned upside down for all of us.


The Wonder of it all!

I am not a celebrity, a public figure, or even a best-selling author. Yet, you still show up and support my writing.  I’m so very grateful!      🙂

And I am thrilled that out of millions of blog posts published daily, weekly, and monthly, you still visit us here, many of you joining in the conversation.

Some of you have been with me from the very beginning in 2013. Brava!


Thank you!

Muchas Gracias!

Merci Beaucoup!




Are you an early subscriber?

Do you remember how we got connected here?

What is your favorite topic on “Plain & Fancy”?