The blurb on the back cover of Mennonite Daughter begins:
What if the Mennonite life young Marian Longenecker chafed against offered the chance for a new beginning?
It continues: What if her two Lancaster County homes with three generations of family were the perfect launch pad for a brighter future?
My author friend, Jill Weatherholt, has invited me to play another word game on her blog today:
I’d rather . . .
Click out Jill’s website to find my answers to five questions she posed. For instance, would I rather be able to take back anything I said, or listen to others’ conversations about me?
Find my answer to this question and MORE here —–>
Thanks for playing along, Marian!
I’m enjoying this . . . on both blogs. Thanks for opening up the opportunity here – and there, Jill!
It’s been my pleasure, Marian! It was so much fun.
I’ve already commented on the post on Jill’s end, so I’ll just say “Good Morning, Marian,” and wish you much luck with your book. (It seems like you are getting a lot of great publicity.)
My friends make that possible. Thanks for always being here . . . and there!
You’re welcome! 🙂
What a fun word game you and Jill are playing, Marian. I love how you weave in your memoir’s themes with your answers. I agree with Merril. You are getting a lot of great marketing miles in!
Kathy, I didn’t realize that my memoir’s themes have been woven into my answers, but I guess all that has been indelibly printed into my thoughts – ha! Thanks for noticing all this, my friend!
Hi! Been there, done that. Happy Wednesday, oh wordy one.
You are a wordsmith of a different order – always appreciate the Ally-style, here and on your blog.
Thank you.
So glad to see you on Jill’s blog, Marian! 🤩
I really enjoyed how your car wash theme turned into quoting James 1:19 on your blog today. It’s great fun to tune into each other’s blogs, L. Marie. Yes?
You have a real talent for building friendships, Marian. Online and in person. I enjoyed Jill’s questions and your replies.
Thanks for visiting me here (and there) today, Shirley. 🙂
Thanks for reading, Shirley!
Marian — You’ve piqued my curiosity; I’m heading over to Jill’s place right now.
Jill and I both appreciate your comments. Thanks!
Thanks for stopping over, Laurie.
I enjoyed your answers, Marian. Time travel would be so much fun.
I believe you just returned from an extensive book tour. Stuck behind the computer again, I feel the urge to roam once more. Time travel would be quite a kick, Darlene.
Thanks for popping over, Darlene.
Very thoughtful answers, as I knew you would, Marian. I had to think hard about my answer for “would you rather be able to fly or breathe under water?” Nice to get to know you a little bit better. 👍❤
Jill has been playing “Would you rather” with writer friends for several weeks now. I think she has piqued readers’ curiosity in these interviews. I’m glad you have enjoyed this one, Fatima!
I appreciate you stopping over, Fatima.
Marian, like you, I’d rather fly! Acknowledging that we don’t know much about our afterlife, the time is coming closer, and I hope to have wings!
I don’t know that we’ll need wings to be “caught up together with them in the clouds,” (I Thessalonians 4:17), but the idea is certainly appealing. Thanks for the hopeful thought, Elfrieda!
That was fun Marian. I too would rather fly and wish I could take back a few words from the past. 🙂
Oh, well, we do our best to make amends. Then, we have to move forward. Sometimes it’s the only way out of the mire. Have a a great weekend, Debby.
And don’t work too hard!
Thanks Marian. Happy weekend to you too 🙂
I like the What-if texts!
Thanks, Fiona!
Good afternoon, Marian..just popping over to Jills to have read and see what your answers were…:) x
Your curiosity made my day. Thanks, Carol!