This weekend some of us set our clocks backย and hour, theoretically regaining the hour we lost last spring. It’s the spring-ahead/fall behind herky-jerky phenom we never quite get used to. Either way, the rhythms of our lives are temporarily interrupted until we catch up days or weeks later. I wrote about this change more than two years ago, describing a world turned upside down.

Author friend Janet Givens explored daylight savings time more than 6 years ago in a post entitled DST Yay or Nay? Recently, she posted the link to another compelling argument.


Time seemed to fly in the months/weeks/days leading up to my book launch.I asked myself, “Did I already put on my deodorant today – or was that yesterday?



Poets are fond of exploring the idea of time.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Longfellow in Voices of the Night alluded to the Hippocratic oath when he proclaimed: Art is long and time is fleeting, suggesting that we (writers, doctors, artists) never live long enough to perfect our craft.

Robert Herrick recommends gathering rosebuds while there’s time: To the Virgins: To Make Much of Time: “Gather ye rose-buds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying; And this same flower that smiles today/Tomorrow will be dying.”

Ursula LeGuinย wrote a Hymn to Time, which you can find here.


Elizabeth Berg,ย  Penguin Random House image


In the Pull of the Moon, novelist Elizabeth Berg’s main character, Nan, who once chose to put her family’s needs always above her own, begins asserting herself, imagining a room of her own and time to enjoy it. She expresses herself this way:

โ€œI want a little room only for me. Stuffed full of what I love. A ticking clock, too, the smooth measure of time that is not hysterical or guilty or full of longing, that offers no judgment of anything, that just says, here, here, here, in slow, sounded seconds. Here. Here. Here.โ€ย  (83)

You can find my review of her book on Goodreads.





Bad News & Good News!

The bad news: Time Flies. The good news: You’re the pilot.”ย  ย ~ Mark Lachs, author of Treat Me, Not My Age



Your Turn!

When has time flown for you? Or slowed down?

Do you really believe that “Time flies and you’re the pilot,” as Mark Lachs proposes?



Coming next: Playing Word Games with Jill and Marian