The Confession

As of January 5, 2018 I had found 3768 photos on my iPhone along with 158 videos. Gasp!

When I began organizing the host of photos, none of the pictures were tagged with subject. Only an image number identified each photo (IMG_2548, for example). And only a few had been edited for size, exposure, and sharpness. Unless I had a photographic memory, I would never remember the shots I took, what month, what year. Retrieval would be impossible without an arduous search with a sketchy memory.

I have asked myself, How did this happen? How did I allow so many photos to accumulate nilly willy? Like the 600-pounder who permits weight to accrue pound by pound, my photos multiplied one click at a time.

Of course, I’m not chiding myself for taking photos on a whim. Photography is my hobby and feeds the serious business of sharing on social media, including here on my blog. Certainly, I value highly all the photos in my family’s albums taken over the last 3-4 generations, many of which have been displayed here for posterity’s sake.


The Solution

Some time ago, I did download my photos on an external hard-drive. Thus, if my iPhone camera blew up or choked on its already bulging bag of pictures, I’d have some backup.

Since August 2017, I have identified each photo with subject matter. For example, the tag “CurtisSoccerNov2017_img3189,” retains the image number, but adds another layer of identification. (By the way, keeping the image number with the tag is a good way to check for duplicates in your picture gallery.)

Then, a few weeks ago, the photos, labeled and edited, were backed up on a second storage space. Eventually, I will probably need to also find space on the Cloud in case the digital data on my current backups are compromised in some way.


In 2016, my blog friend and author Lucinda J. Miller posted a blog entitled “Every 15 Pictures.” Link:

She had a clever idea, I think, and I’ve have adapted it here as a way to document family life in December 2017.

Ten Secrets from my iPhone: Here with captions are photos chosen at random from last month.

Friends from Cliff’s Sunday School class, the ALIVE “art” group


Tire damage when unknown objects hit our car’s tire on a dark and stormy night, early December. The wheel cover was alloy, not plastic, so it could be restored like new. Left headlight was also cracked in the same incident.


Part of the Dalton family in pensive mood: Jenna, Crista, Joe


Patrick and Curtis read the Christmas story from Luke 2


Sarah, Ian, and Nana “CHILLIN” after Christmas brunch


Quote from Lady Violet, spotted in gift shop at Lightner Museum, St. Augustine. Display continues through February 4, 2018, extended because of huge demand.


Ian unwraps fishing pole . . . catches a blue gill the next week


My pre-school friends from church enjoying broccoli cheddar soup (my first try) and sandwiches December 30 at my house.


In-house plumber wraps pipes preparing for the big chill


Getting used to Fitbit . . . set activity goals for 2018 . . . modest, do-able, I believe: 5000 steps or more daily, weight loss, 7 pounds


The steps of a good wo/man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.

Psalm 37:23, KJV


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Do you use a smart phone for taking pictures? A more sophisticated camera? How do you organize your photos?

What tips can you add to my suggestions?

What is the most prized photo you’ve taken this past year?