You may remember when I visited Pennsylvania last month we made butter the old-fashioned way, my mother, sister and I shaking cream in a 2-quart jar. This week my Southern friend Carolyn threw a birthday bash that included friends making butter together. We did just that – working in pairs, taking turns shaking, and doing it all to music of the 1950s and 60s.
Here is Carolyn explaining how it’s done. Now girls, “Shake the cream until it curdles into butter. Add a pinch of salt. And then to spice it up a notch, choose a combination of honey, cinnamon, mixed herbs, or garlic salt to give your butter some personality . . . .”
Next the ten of us pair off with pint jars of cream, handing off the jar to our mate when our arms are about to fall off . . .
And away we go!
To the tunes of Let’s Have a Party and All Shook Up, we Shake, Rattle, and Roll, way past curds and whey. Finally, with our butter balls all molded and labeled we sit down to a fancy feast, enhanced by the fruits of our labors.
In the 1960s, you could eat anything you wanted, and of course . . . there was no talk about fat and anything like that, and butter and cream were rife. Those were lovely days for gastronomy, I must say. Julia Child
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Have you attended a memorable party, birthday or otherwise? Tell us about it. We’re curious.
Maybe we’ll copy-cat it. You know, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Coming Saturday: The R-Word and You
A butter party! That is definitely unique. It looks like all of you had a great time–and got to eat lots of homemade butter. Yum! (I love the Julia Child quote–she was wonderful.)
One year for my husband’s birthday, we went to a B&B in Ocean City. He didn’t know a bunch of friends were joining us there for a murder mystery party. We arrived Friday night, and then throughout the next afternoon, our friends arrived for the party that night.
A murder mystery party! A suppose there were mysterious tales and clues to follow – what fun. And what a fabulous way to make the birthday boy feel special. Another great idea for a themed party.
We were given a rough “script” and our characters. After the victim “died,” we had to guess who the murderer was. It was fun. For my older daughter’s 16th birthday party, I wrote a murder mystery script for her to have a murder mystery luncheon party at our house.
Happy Birthday Marian, today is your birthday. Your words came to life on Tuesday and we made many wonderful memories that originated from your BLOG. Keep writing and inspiring us to keep moving, thinking, creating and dreaming, regardless of our age. I’ve been told age is only a number, but life is what you make it.
You too lead an inspiring life too, Carolyn, lifting people’s spirits with your enthusiastic party planning, menus – I could go on! Thank you for the birthday good wishes and cheering me on in my writing ventures, my dear Southern friend.
What merrildsmith said! That was what I was going to write until I saw hers. I love this idea. A good idea for Pinterest, if you do that. I was just thinking this morning that I’m so glad my year (and summers) spent in the south conditioned me to love southern ways: the accents, the laid back lifestyle (slower), the foods, the “lovin on me” the “hug my neck”–things I might not appreciate if I had not lived there. We are anticipating family from Alabama/North Carolina this weekend and was thinking ahead to their lovely soft accents which I can appreciate but not fully imitate. Thanks for this timely post. And happy birthday again.
Thank you for the good wishes, Melodie, and for putting into words the softness of Southern living, including some choice phrases. Do enjoy your guests. May the visit be laid back, relaxing for all concerned!
Oh my gosh — clearly you gals had a Butter Blast! And you’ve even got a video clip to prove it!
Our most memorable birthday celebration was for Len’s 50th. He was under the impression that it was going to be a simple picnic at the park, just the two of us. After I spread our blanket and opened the picnic basket, we heard (before we saw) the surprise bagpipe core — in full kilted garb — then they crested the hill, along with dozens of friends. Let me tell you, the man was in delighted shock!
I can just picture the gaggle of bagpipers and a host of friends cresting the hill. Talk about crowd-sourcing!! And I’m sure you had such fun planning the whole event as well.
Thank you for the phrase “delighted shock.” That is sort of what I feel today with this out-pouring of birthday blessing. Your card is delightful too. I will play it again before the day is done, that’s for sure! 🙂
Whenever I buy a pound of butter in the grocery store I now know how it’s processed !
Well, think again! Most are mass-produced. These pounds have heart and soul-ha! Thank you.
I suddenly have a craving for an English muffin. 🙂 This was a great idea for a party and for a post!
The ideas came from far and near: Mother in Manheim, PA as a little girl, our “Churn it up” in PA this past June, and an ingenious party planner. I’m glad you enjoyed it!
Happy belated birthday Marian. It looks like you had a fun time. Nothing better than a good ole girl get together. Wishing you many more! 🙂
I get the feeling you’d fit right in with this gang , Southern or not. Thanks for reading and commenting, Debby.
Thanks for sharing, and you bet I’d be there if I wasn’t so far. 🙂
I don’t doubt it one bit. You’d add to the hilarity for sure.
You and your friends surely do know how to enjoy life, Marian. I’m so glad that you have such a golden treasury of memories. And I’m not just buttering you up!
What I didn’t mention in the post was that after the “Churn it Up” episode, Carolyn sat down at the piano and began leading us in some familiar hymns. I told her I would need a prayer veiling to make the dramatic transition between our goofiness and the holy hymns we were singing, so she ran around and found a doily for my head. I have a photo, but you can imagine it. Enough said!
Thank you for taking time from your tremendous Tour-A-Palooza to read and comment, Shirley.
What fun and you’d burned off the calories before you ate as a bonus 🙂
Yes, Marie, we burned off calories but I doubt it compensated for the ice cream and chocolate that followed. Oh, well – no guilt, just fun, fun fun! Nice to hear from you today!
What fun. I love the video!
An idea for your next hoe-down – um, I mean party, Darlene!
Such great photos and videos. What a fun presentation because you all look like you’re having the time of your lives. Shake away and butter on everything.
If you ever have a dull day, you can crank up that video and shake away with us once again. Thanks for noticing, Elaine.