The great thing about getting older is that you don’t lose all the other ages you’ve been. – Madeleine l’Engle
The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm. – Aldous Huxley
There are years that ask questions and years that answer. – Zora Neal Hurston
It takes a long time to grow young. – Pablo Picasso
Throughout our lives, friends enclose us like pairs of parentheses. They shift our boundaries, crater our terrain. They fume through the creaks of our tentative houses, and parts of them always remain . . . .
– Beth Kephart, memoirist and National Book Award nominee.
Friendship is the source of the greatest pleasures, and without friends even the most agreeable pursuits become tedious. – St. Thomas Aquinas
Friends are a reflection of the issues we are working on. – Melody Beattie
Be Yourself
Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! – Dr. Seuss
Do not free a camel of the burden of his hump; you may be freeing him from being a camel. – Gilbert K. Chesterton
Some of us suffer from a debilitating mental disorder called irony deficiency. Seeing a doctor won’t help, but seeing a paradox will.” – Swami Beyondananda
Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it is called the present. – Bill Keane, comic strip creator “The Family Circus”
And a Question:
Why should the aged eagle stretch its wings? – T. S. Eliot
Your answer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !
I look forward to your response and to your musings on anything else that strikes your fancy. While you’re at it, why not add a quote too. The humor section could use some beefing up. 🙂
Thank you.
\’The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue\’. Dorothy Parker.
Loved the quotes Marian thank you ..
Why should the aged eagle stretch its wings? Well, I can\’t think of a witty response; I love that deeply profound poem of his. … I would say that while it yet can, it can continue to survey all that is.
Dorothy Parker is such a hoot, isn\’t she. I love her wit.
Incidentally, you don\’t have to have any witty comebacks to read/comment on my blog. I always appreciate your tuning in, Susan. And thanks for being the first out of the gate this morning.
I should have written \’that deeply profound poem of his\’ ..
I will edit the original comment and delete this – okay!
Loved all of this, but my favorite was the \”irony deficiency.\” I may have to use that for something. As for the eagle, there\’s something new to see and experience every day!
Use the quote of course – Swami B. would be flattered! And I like your answer to the \”eagle\” question. It certainly fits with the quote + image on your own blog.
One more thing: I was so impressed with your post yesterday featuring Susanne Lakin that I printed a copy, which hubby read too. My idea for a comment didn\’t quite fit with the other replies, but I will summarize it on your FB page.
Well the story of the eagle is that they can live to the age of 70. Yet at 40 they have to make a decision at the age of 40 if they want to make the painful transformation to break their beak and wait for it to regrow sitting on the top of the mountain and when the talons grow back they pluck the old feathers to live another 30 years.
It\’s the same way with some people who at the age of 40 see wrinkles and go through painful procedures to get them out along with many parts of their body to keep a youthful look. I on the other hand embrace my body going south and accept my wrinkles as signs of wisdom. That\’s as far as I go now. I refuse to see grays in my hair. Do I go through the painful job of dyeing my hair? Do I mind getting old but just not ready to look it or do I relate to the eagle? Well, I\’m always changing to keep going a few more years. Lol
Thank you for the lesson in bird study. I wonder: Do you mean 70 years in \”people\” years or in eagle years? Either way, it sounds like a very long time.
Your questions confront a dilemma for women in this culture: What about my appearance do I change and what do I simply accept because it is part of my life stage? It looks like you are adapting to keep on going. In my view too, keeping on going is the name of the game. Thanks, Gloria.
I always love to read these.Because he doesn\’t give a hope (hoot).
I guess eagles, like owls, can give a hoot – love the pun. Glad you enjoy these, Susan. I\’m already working on an August edition.
The camel quote is my favorite. An attribute that makes us different may also be our greatest trait!
Thank you for pushing that quote just one step further. You\’re so great at expanding on an idea: the English teacher\’s mighty brain, I have to say.
I absolutely adore Madeleine l’Engle. I\’ve read every one of her books, several times over. I read them to my son when he was growing up as well!
Why should the aged eagle stretch its wings?
To show the young ones how it\’s done.
That\’s what I love about volunteering in nursing homes. I learn oh-so-much from the people who blazed the trail ahead of me!
I hadn\’t thought about that, but of course: the eagle is a mentor to its young, and to us, in fact. How wise of you even in middle age to be open to the wisdom of the elderly. They have a lot to share and you are receptive. Thanks for adding to our conversation, Laurie.
…… soar to new heights.
Perfect!. By the way, even if I don\’t mention always, I do appreciate your wise quotes and quips at the bottom of your email messages. And I love that you are a lover of words too, Carolyn.
Even aged eagles can soar and fly and explore.
I am sure you have captured some images of eagles and other birds on your camera. Honestly, your photos could advertise for the Chamber of Commerce (or its equivalent) in Sweden. People would come flocking for sure.
I love the \’irony deficiency\’ and the blog post. I will leave you with some wise words of the late, great Nora Ephron, \”Anything you think is wrong with your body at the age of thirty-five you will be nostalgic for at the age of forty-five.\”
How about fifty-five or later!
I love the wit of Nora Ephron and noticed quite a few of her quotes on your Facebook timeline. Thanks for adding to our cache of quotations, Debby.
Love your quotes, Marian. I\’m not sure about the answer to your riddle unless it was one of the ones provided above.
Here\’s some one-liners:
1. I\’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It\’s impossible to put down.
2. Editing is a rewording activity.
3. Ponderings: \”How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work in the morning?\”
4. What do you call a dinosaur that smashes everything? A Tyrannosaurus Wrecks.
That\’s all for now. Hope these tickle your funny bone.
I hope you heard me giggling because, yes, they did tickle my funny bone. Thanks for adding to our store of quotes, oh Judy with the wry, dry humor. Oh, by the way, how does the guy with the snow-plow get to work in the morning anyway?
I haven\’t a clue. Maybe one of your commenters will have a clever response. I\’ll check back. ;–)
I loved the quotes, Marian. I can\’t decide on a favorite.:)
That\’s good enough for me – thanks for reading and enjoying, Merril.
Super quotes, Marian. I\’m afraid I have an irony deficit and most all the quotes that come to mind are about grief. You put me on a search for the lighter side of life.
Glad you appreciate the quotes, Elaine–and can relish the lighter side of life too. It\’s always nice to see your smiling face in \”comments.\” Thanks!