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Grandma’s Pork and Sauerkraut Dinner

GmaSauerkrautArticleAs the article in the Elizabethtown Chronicle explains, my Grandma Fannie stomped cabbage by using “her old potato masher to draw moisture from cabbage in the process of making stone crock sauerkraut.” The Longenecker family always had pork and sauerkraut, along with mashed potatoes and apple sauce, for New Year’s Day as well as other times during the year.

Just like many Pennsylvania Dutch families in 2013, we observed this New Year ritual with a menu of pork & sauerkraut and mashed potatoes.

Pork basted with mixture of meat juices, minced garlic, fresh dill, onion salt and dry mustard Sauerkraut with caraway seeds; baked apples

Pork basted with mixture of meat juices, minced garlic, fresh dill, onion salt, dry mustard
Sauerkraut with caraway seeds; baked apples

Around the table, counting our blessings: “. . . . Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.” I Samuel 7:12

New Year's Table

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