A picture is worth a 1000 words, so the saying goes. But, sometimes a picture is worth fewer than a thousand words—only a few hundred. The photos below speak for themselves, but most need a little explanation, included with the vignettes below. All of them represent snapshots from the last few months.


1.Β  Red-carpet event: The Honey Dripper Lady


Cliff and I were fortunate to be invited to the premiere of the mystery/thriller Honey Dripper Lady, a red carpet event at a local theatre. We boosted our cultural literacy and learned that aΒ honey dripper is a homemade treat made from Kool-Aid, fruit punch or canned fruit frozen inside a Solo cup. This treat is sweeter and frostier than an Italian ice and not the same consistency as a Sno-Ball. According to an article in the Forida TImes-Union, a honey-dripper lady was usually a well-loved lady who served as a personal candy store, serving up sweet and cool treats in their neighborhood.

And, yes, we and other guests did enter on a red carpet! The red bag Cliff holds contains two black tee shirts, embossed with words in red, I saw the Premiere of Honey Dripper Lady.



2. Bertie Plays the Blues


When light reading is called for, I often turn to the Scottish attorney-turned-author, Alexander McCall Smith. I’ve featured him in previous blog posts: Here and Here!

You are invited to read my bite-sized review of Bertie Plays the Blues:

Alexander McCall Smith’s cast of characters continue to singβ€”whether they are the middle-aged Angus or 7-year-old Bertie [who] Plays the Blues, the eponymous title of book 7 of the 44 Scotland Street Series. This volume brings shifts in power and energy galore. Matthew and Elspeth must muddle through the daunting task of raising triplets. Angus and Domenica need to negotiate the merging of two households. Big Lou leaves her coffee bar temporarily to explore the new world of online dating and ends up with an Elvis impersonator on the first try. If you are familiar with author McCall Smith, you are in for another round of a comedy of manners Γ  la Edinburgh.



3.Β Epworth-by-the-Sea Retreat

During Labor Day weekend, nearly 200 members of our church in Jacksonville traveled to Epworth-by-the-Sea on St. Simons Island, Georgia. Epworth is nestled amid majestic live oaks along the Frederica River. We strolled around the grounds, enjoying the ripple of water each time we passed the fountain.

We gathered for meals and met new people at the retreat. Along with a study of John 15, the Vine and Branches chapter in the New Testament, we played quasi-Olympic games including keep-the-book-on-your-head.


4.Β  Saga of the Sago Palm

Early fall each year, the sago palm bush on our patio has burst forth with fresh foliage. This year our sago palm developed scale on the bulb and fronds, requiring Neem spray treatments. The hose’s wide spray followed its jet-setting as shown here.

Time will tell whether new growth develops this year. Expect a follow-up post soon on our enigmatic sago palm.


5. My Sister’s Milestone Birthday Party in September


Relatives and friends gathered at the home of my nephew to celebrate my sister Jan’s milestone birthday. Main menu item? a shrimp broil with potatoes, mushrooms, carrots, and of course jumbo shrimp. Jan is blessed with two great grand-daughters, one shown here.



6. Nail Wraps

For a woman who makes her living tapping on computer keys with the pads of her fingers, nails are very important. For a few months now, I have amused myself by using press-on nails from Lily & Fox costing a mite over $3.00 by mail. The nails wraps you see here, over a week old, have grown out a little and show a bit of wear.


7. Thanksgiving Table-scape 2024

In many ways, 2024 has been a challenging year, yet I have so much to be thankful for, including more family gatherings like today–celebrating two October birthdays.

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise:Β beΒ thankfulΒ unto him, and bless his name.



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