Welcome to my 200th blog post! It’s here because you have visited this blog, a time or two, or maybe way more often. Writers write for many reasons, most importantly to express themselves. But most writers don’t like to write in a void. Writing is communication. And communication, for me at least, is a two-way street.

Julie Powell agrees with me. Remember Julie Powell in the movie Julie & Julia? 

Julie, using Julia Child as her muse, conceives an idea for her blog in this scene:

The quotes below are excerpted from the movie script, all based on her best-selling book with a much longer title:

Julie and JuliaCover

WHY DO YOU DO IT?    “It’s a regimen, Mom, like doing pushups!”

SOMETIMES IT’S FRUSTRATING!  Julie shouts at her computer: Is there anyone out there reading me?

Then later: Today I had 12 comments from readers and I didn’t know any one of ‘em!


Julie comments: Julia taught me what it takes to find your way in the world. It’s not what I thought it was. I thought it was all about-I don’t know, confidence or will or luck. Those are all some good things to have, no question. But there’s something else, something that these things grow out of. It’s joy.

Catch joy on the wing . . .

– William Blake

And so I do today, thanks to  you, dear reader!

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Coming next: Visions of the Little Match Girl